Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Vegas says: Ron Paul has a chance

According to SportsBook.Com, a website that deals with all things gambling and has been running some Presidential odds.

According to Vegas, Ron Paul has a 1 in 7 chance of winning. Granted, he is still behind Rudy (6-5), McCain (2-1), Fred Thompson (4-1) and Mitt Romney (5-1). But! This shows that there isn't a 'big three' anymore. In fact, there seems to be a clear distance behind Ron Paul with the next highest starting at 15-1 (I'm discounting Newt. He isn't running). According to Vegas, he is in the "first tier."

That's not all! Again, according to the same site, he has a 15 to 1 chance of winning the Presidency! Now, for many people that write him off as someone who couldn't win the Republican primary, let alone the election, this must be a surprise.

Also, Vegas has a tradition of being more correct and representative of the general population than any sort of 'scientific polls.' You can find all of this information at SportsBook.

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